What Do We Mean When We Label Each Other......?

I’m not the first person to use this visual, but here is my whack at showing the political spectrum.  I believe that the Cartesian Plane provides a good representation of the modern body politic, because you must account for the economic model to accurately differentiate the different political labels we use.  The “Y” axis represents the political dimension and the “X” axis the economic.  The interesting thing to me is that in the current paradigm, the Communist and Fascist are considered opposite (Left vs. Right).  While that is true in the economic sense, politically they occupy the same totalitarian space.  The conventional wisdom is that both the Fascist Party in Italy and the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI) in Germany are "conservative/right wing" movements.  This was a linguistic sleight of hand move pulled off by communists in the 30's, 40's, and 50's that became conventional wisdom in Europe and America. The reality is that both the Fascist and Nazi economic programs were command programs shared with the governments that adhered to the teachings of Marx and Lenin (umm.... Soviet Union, China, Venezuela...... think of a modern economically failed state and you are probably looking at one that had a command economy (and yes I realize that China is not a failed economic state, but that is a topic for another post).  

My personal belief is that 70% of the eligible voters in America fall within the orange circle.  Note that Progressive = Democrat and Liberal = Republican.  Liberal is used in the original traditional definition of the word as first adopted in England in the mid-1800s.  In this definition, a liberal generally supports free trade, property rights of individuals, a general aversion to government interference in day to day activities, and proper accountability of the government to the people it governs.  The problem for Democrats (Progressives) is that the energy and the money supporting the party is moving from the middle of the orange to the green circle.     

Finally, none of this matters if you can program the voting machines to determine how votes will be counted.  In that world, we are (to quote Newsweek in 2012, I think), "All Socialists Now!"




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