The World According to Sully
So Georgia elected a progressive neo-socialist communist and a Al Sharpton/Jeremiah Wright protégé preacher to the United States Senate, giving soon to be inaugurated President Elect Joseph Biden's party control of all three branches of the Federal Government. Buckle up, Buttercup!!!! Its going to be a bumpy ride........
Welcome to my blog! This is where I will call 'em as I see 'em, and provide an outlet that those interested can come to see what I'm thinking about.... all three of you.
My best friend in high school's little sister, Li-Tigh, had trouble pronouncing my name. Wesley became Wes-sully, became Sully! While visiting my parents this spring, my sister and I had some interesting and sometimes very animated discussions regarding the events of the day. My Mom and Sister told me that I should write about politics and history so they could better understand the historical guideposts that I use to anchor my political and philosophical thoughts.
Winston Churchill said something to the effect that young man who was not liberal had no heart, while a middle aged man who was not conservative had no head. I think I skipped the whole liberal phase and went straight to "crotchety old man". My earliest political memory is election night 1972 and being happy that Richard Nixon had won a second term. Whether that elation was a result of osmosis from my father, the ravings of an idiot savant, or riding the band wagon of the winner, I'm not sure. I know that I was angry the summer of 1974, as Woody Woodpecker and Deputy Dawg were preempted by the Watergate Hearings and I wished that the grown ups would grow up and let me get on with my life. Little did I know that 45 years later, the same groups of people, much older though none the wiser, would be bugging me the same way and looking back longingly to the days when everyone could agree that the President was bad!!!!
I have always loved history. The few times I was allowed to join the "grown-ups" at the holiday dinner table are treasured memories, because after a couple Harvey Wall Bangers, my grandfather would open the door a little to his service during the Second World War. His stories of the attack on Pearl Harbor and convoys in the North Atlantic compelled me to find out as much as I could about that global conflict. That started me down the rabbit holes of 20th Century European History, the Franco-Prussian conflicts, the rise and fall of the English Empire and how we got to where we are today.
While events of the past do not foretell the future, the past does give us looks at how events can culminate, and while history does not repeat itself, it does often rhyme. The biggest lesson that I've learned is that empires will go on forever, until they don't.... and while the fall is clearly visible in hindsight, there is always an individual or small group who warned of the impending collapse ahead of time.
Consider these missives my warnings........
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